Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day!

I labored today... I labored after I labored and lamented about my labor.

My day started with a restful waking to the sound of laughter on the radio. I decided that a run would be in order. I ran a penitent course ( Ben & Jerry Peach Cobbler) that included me sweating my pants, shirt, and socks wet.
I came home to find my youngest child in the front yard, still looking sleepy. "I'm hungry." Ohh crap in my haste to purchase 4 pints of heaven, I forgot to procure 1 or 2 boxes of cereal. Total Raisin Bran for me and Frosted Mini-Wheats for them. A trip to the store after a much needed shower.
Who's coming with me? The youngest is up for a shopping trip. Bread, cereal, peanut butter (Jiff), "dad it has to be the one with no peanuts, cause i don't like tears the bread!" Juice 3 for 6$ what a steal... 52 $ later I hit the door...This was just for breakfast, what happened?
Home,breakfast,painting, hole patching, laundry,vacuuming, kids made lunch!, kids shampooed carpet in living room, kids moped kitchen, load dishwasher, painting, break toilet, painting, hole patching, brother made burgers, kids made fries, cooked frozen carrots, ate dinner, fixed toilet, washed toilet, attempted to move very heavy furniture, aborted the attempt, vacuumed, replaced furniture on clean carpet, more dishes, more laundry, some folding(doing laundry is just washing right!), clean up paint a bit, take kids back to their mother's house, make sure they have all the clothes they want, books they need, love... crap we worked so hard I forgot to give hugs and kisses. I tell them as they get out of the car and make the trek to their front door. "I love you! Thank you for all your hard work!" I get the greatest reward a parent can get. Three, 3, tres, I love you's back! They sounded so tired. I realize I don't have much longer for this. The oldest turns 15 in 5 days. OH MY BABY! I'm exhausted...HAPPY LABOR DAY!

1 comment:

  1. so, what you're saying is that your day was pretty relaxing then? by the way... i still want the updated pics of the bathroom... funny post. i imagined being right there with you, and I totally felt your pain. i think we shared a similar experience!
